Callsign: King ctm-1 Page 16
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” he muttered.
Like the Wizard of Oz, his real power wasn’t his genius, but the illusion that he was something more than human. Maintaining that illusion required him to behave like a computer, to be logical and emotionless when interacting with the men and women whose service and loyalty he had surreptitiously purchased over the course of thirty years.
That kind of clinical detachment hadn’t been a problem for him until Jack Sigler entered into the picture. Fortunately, there was an easy solution.
Kill Jack Sigler.
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Document ID: fbd-87fe0c-fb48-d549-3dae-e67b-cf3a-5eda66
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Document creation date: 17.07.2011
Created using: Fiction Book Designer, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 software
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